
So here we are now, at this time in our history, we see a movement evolving, and occupying everywhere. I just saw a clip from the Rachel Maddow Show showing how we have become like the Hoovervilles of the 1930’s and how the occupy protesters are defending homes by standing in the way of police to evict people who’s homes are being foreclosed on. This is what happened during the depression. This is what Lawrence Goodwyn wrote about in his book “The Populist Movement” The reason why the populist were so successful and why they had the power and platform to make it to the national elections with William J Bryan they “the occupyers” of those days did something tangible. They made a physical difference in someones lives. In the book he talks about a father who was to proud to apply for unemployment the father said ” he wasn’t going to get hand outs that he wasn’t a communist ” The occupyers went to his home defended him and his family against the police in trying to evict him from his home and were successful. Afterwards the proud man went to one of the occupyers meeting and found he agreed with what they were advocating and by the end of the meeting he was telling his story and committed himself to the cause. This was a great testament to the human spirit and what standing for truth and justice is all about. Watch now after seeing this clip or hearing about this story the earlier post on Max Keiser and than make your own decision. Where will you stand when your asked to participate? I went for only 2 days to occupy DC in October and talked to many people over there asking many questions. I was fortunate to speak with one of the main media organizers and posed this idea. As this movement and this fight for truth and social justice plays out, in the end it’s whether or not the police will go along with the orders being asked of them to do. They of course will stand by their creed “to keep the peace and public safety we do as we are told” They of course know full well the injustice of the system and those who perpetrate the ongoing lies and corruption. Sheriffs in the Northwest have come together to fight back and have told federal agents they will go to local jails for interfering with local jurisdiction. We need here from our local policemen, courage like that. We have to ask ourselves why do they do what they do? Defend the indefensible ?  The only reason I can come up with for their actions is because like the rest of humanity they also need to eat and clothes themselves and their families. The reason the rank and file follow orders from their superiors is because they also need that paycheck to pay for their mortgage and their cars and the food on the table. If this is so than, why don’t we, the occupyers give them their needs much like we do this for those being evicted why don’t we go the the officers homes and give them bread to eat? Maybe wash their cars and go with them to the movies on the weekend and buy their popcorn? Not so you can shame them into standing for what’s right but so you can show them man does not live by bread alone. But by the spirit. Do this out of genuine love. You might ask yourself why are the occupyers doing what they do? Do they not also need to eat and sustain themselves? Do they not also act on this fleshly need? are their complaints also we have to have money to we can feed ourselves and have shelter?Yes they do, and might it be true that if the question was put to those people, you are healthy and can grow your own food and are strong and can build for yourself shelter, what more do you want in life? I believe the protesters would say this is true I can and as I live in my make shift shelter and eat the fruits of my labor, the vegetables I grew in my back yard, I look around me and see an injustice being put upon my brothers and sisters and that is that the law I see at work is not of the spirit but is contrary to the spirit, that fights and makes war against the spirit of truth and justice. We who protest do not live in a vacuum but in a world in which we see both laws playing out in our society.  The occupyers” the protesters are saying there is an injustice going on here in America. This is a matter of the spirit. What has happened to our country and around the world is we see these two opposing forces taking place on the one side we see MONEY AND POWER and the other side we see TRUTH AND JUSTICE. Which side are you on? You have to decide for yourself. Make no mistake about it. You are on one side or the other. You are not neutral to this question nor are you ignorant of this question. You might not openly admit it, or maybe you have denied it to your conscience mind but you never the less are aware of this. And have indeed, and do indeed stand on one side or the other already. The consciousness, the awakening, everyone is talking about is due yes because of the information age, the fact that now normal everyday people can access information much like the time of the reformation when the printing press was invented and the common man began to read for himself the truth “so called” We have entered a new age a paradigm shift you can say. The battle lines are clearly drawn. The adversaries have been identified, and the battle has begun like once before on October 30 1517. Who is justified on this issue ? Will money and power rule over the peoples of the earth? Or will truth and justice rule? 


This is an excellent clip from the Keiser report explaining what has happened to our country and our world. This is exactly why in my estimation it is very important we as a nation as for that matter our world come to understand what is happening and come together with one mind focused on changing two most basic problems our country faces. Notice how the person interviewed mentioned the idea of creating their own money supply. This is what presidents get shot in the head for. This is what in the old days the reverse fractional reserve banking the bankers got hung for. This is what we as a nation and the world for that matter need to go back to national sovereignty having the right, the  means, and the courage to hang bankers be what we are naturally are in the words of JFK free and independent. Watch the clip here;


Following up on my earlier blog entry, a simple act of wearing a yellow banner around yourself and placing one in between your car door hinges tells everyone you subscribe to and believe in the two questions; 1) It is a perversion of law and social justice to regard corporations as people who have the same 1st amendment rights as human flesh and blood people as we. 2) Get the money out of politics pass a constitutional amendment that gives us fair elections we may also add end the federal reserve banking system that has such a stranglehold on our economy. I’ll be posting a video on you tube showing the patriots how simple this is to do.   

the visible protest

It is a most difficult thing for a group of  people to come together, and agree on economic and social justice. In essence it’s like asking someone to stop being an individual and become a member of an association, or to identify with that. It is a philosophical quest we set out to do when we say this or that is unjust or unfair in society.I agree with Dylan Ratigan when he said days ago, we have to 1st occupy ourselves in order to form a more clear picture of what we believe what is fair and unfair in society. Namely I believe what we have to ask ourselves is what makes ourselves right when we speak of these things. I believe we should all go to our scriptures to answer that question. The books and scripture our fellow human beings use in this en devour will be varied, but non the less it is a question that is important in our quest for truth and justice in our society. Recently it has been reported that the unions came out in support of the occupy movement, this is consistent with their philosophy. It is of my opinion that the only difference between a worker in a non union shop and a worker in a union shop is the non union shop is not organized. For what both aspire to, is the same, which is social and economic justice. What if you can’t make it to occupy whatever city because of your job or home responsibilities, but still feel the same way about what they are protesting? How can you support them in  a visible manner? I believe I have an idea that might help you do that. It will not be difficult at all and it will accomplish the desired effect of being supportive. Why not tie a ribbon around your body like a banner yellow i color and do the same to your car as your driving down the road. In this way your telling the community you live in you are of the same mind and are in agreement with the movement. I would go just a bit further though and put a more specific   point to your support. I say in the wearing a yellow ribbon around yourself and in placing one in your car where it’s visible your are saying two most important things about our current political situation. First by wearing the ribbon your saying you disagree with the supreme court decision years ago that corporations enjoy the same 1st amendment rights as you and I as flesh and blood people do. And second you agree with more than 85% of our population that money has so corrupted our government officials you are in agreement to pass a constitutional amendment to get the money out of politics. Visible support for these two most fundamental questions are the beginning of a much needed political movement normal everyday Americans need to do to get started in fixing our countries problems and woes.